How to correctly market yourself to recruiters

how to market yourself

Did you know many roles great recruiters work roles that are not extensively advertised? The reason being, a great recruiter, will go out into the market and search for the right candidate, not just wait for someone to come to them. In saying that, this does not mean you as a candidate if you are looking for a new role should sit back and wait to be found, but you should market yourself to be appealing to recruiters with these four easy steps.

LinkedIn Groups
Often people think LinkedIn is the same as your resume, you put your information on your page and check it periodically. However, this technique will not get you noticed by recruiters unless they are searching for a particular skill or keyword that you have in your profile. The best way to market yourself correctly is to follow a winning LinkedIn profile formula coupled with engaging in industry relevant conversations in LinkedIn groups.

Phone and introduce yourself
If you are curious what roles are out there, and if it is worthwhile having a look, contact one of the industry’s experts for a confidential chat. Here at Consultive, we often offer advice on career moves, salary negotiations and industry trends, to assist candidates to make informed decisions about their career. A great recruiter will take the time to have a discussion if they are able to assist you in your career goal, just make sure you approach someone in your field and with experience at your level.


Businessman Pointing at Resume

Sell yourself on your resume
Many times a recruiter struggles to grab the right information from a quick scan of your resume from sites like SEEK or even on their own records from your previous applications. When this happens, you are overlooked and miss out on a job opportunity that could have matched your skills and experience heavily.  Unfortunately, no matter how great a recruiter is, they are not psychic, so unless your resume contains the relevant information and keywords the recruiter is seeking, they will misunderstand your resume go on to read the next.

What a recruiter requires is relevant information on your resume (not just a cut and paste of your job description). You need to lead with examples of how you utilise the desired skills, and proudly highlight recent achievements acquired through said tasks. In white collar construction & civil roles noting down a variety of builds and the dollar values will dramatically increase your chances of being noticed. Make sure you note down all different sectors you have expereince in to ensure you cover all your bases.

Establish a strong personal brand
Often industry leaders are contacted by recruiters to ask whom they know for a particular role they are working for on behalf of a client. If you want to be recommended by your peers for hidden opportunities, you need to get known in the industry as someone with integrity, loyalty and the ability to do the job better than most. The top people do not recommend someone unless they strongly believe in them, so ]it is in the best interest of a job seeker to always be a team player and put in 100% regardless of the circumstances. A candidate who was referred to a recruiter is more likely to be successful in the application process, than someone who has weak references and applied online.


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Published on: 10/04/2017

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