Fear or Excitement – Are Leaders Aligned?


In this time of crisis and uncertainty, alignment and unity among leaders can be the difference between survival and demise.

Alignment and unity in leadership teams ensure the best possible decisions are being made. Though, in this current environment, many people are split on what the country needs to do, demonstrating we all see things differently.

We’re different people, backgrounds, views, experiences of the world, and beliefs etc. It made me think if there are some cracks that may appear in the perceived alignment and unity of the leadership what could it be?  Self-interest and own personal pressures are the first 2 that came to mind. Though, in many businesses, we have business/team first thinkers and loyalty!

I kept thinking and I arrived at Fear and Excitement. Fear of something that can alter one’s life negatively and significantly.  Or, Excitement of the opportunity that opens up in a market such as we are experiencing (market share, share market, property…)  Which leads to a few questions, a leader should ask or answer, that I believe should be answered before making a move forward with any decision.

“What is the thing you fear the most right now in this whole Covid-19 situation?”

“What is the thing that excites you the most right now in this whole Covid-19 situation?”

Note:You could replace the word fear with “Worry” or “Concerns” – it’s lighter, just take the one you know will get your answer!

I figure if we don’t know what our Fear or Excitement is, how can we collectively make great decisions, best for business and team? I believe this is more critical to understand than any other time in history (Actually in War you need this info).

So, do you know what your leaders Fear or Excitement is?

If you don’t, maybe you will be aligned and united, maybe you won’t. For many businesses, everything is on the line, emergency Sunday arvo leader conversations are commonplace (remotely). Knowing your leadership is aligned and unity gives you the best chance to survive and then thrive.  Knowing each other’s Fear or Excitement, and being vulnerable to share it, allows for understanding, empathy, and trust.

As we all know, vulnerability is the key here and if a leader can be vulnerable or be encouraged by others questions to show vulnerability, then it will enhance the quality of the discussion and the decision-making process.

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Published on: 30/03/2020

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