3 Smart Reasons To Work With One Recruiter Exclusively


Contrary to popular belief, sending your resume out to every organisation and every recruiter will not get you hired any faster- if anything it can hinder your efforts and cause your job search to be longer. One of the most unused tactics Candidates should be utilising more to land their dream job faster is to work exclusively with ONE Recruiter or Agency and here is why:

The Recruiter Will Work Harder To Place You

Simply put, the Recruiter’s role is about placing candidates in the right roles so they can claim a “Finders Fee” off an organisation. When a Candidate sends their resume out to every recruiter they can find and to every organisation looking for employees, a Recruiter will assume that they will not be able to claim a “finders fee” as many other agencies will try and place you. If all Recruiters think like this, then you may be left without any representation. Same goes if you have sent your resume out to every organisation, if a Recruiter’s client already has your resume from you directly, then the Recruiter is unable to send that organisation your resume as an introduction as they already know of you (meaning they would not be able to claim a finders fee if you land a job with organisation by going through said Recruiter).

If you work exclusively with one Recruiter or Agency, they will take the time to reverse market you to their clients, bring roles to you that others are not aware of, and do all that they can to place you (after all you are more likely to generate for them a “finders fee” compared to another candidate who thinks job hunting is a numbers game.

The Recruiter Will Have The Ability To Sell You As The Best Candidate To An Organisation.

When you apply to an organisation directly, the only thing you have to sell yourself by is your resume (and maybe a cover letter). Your application has 7 seconds to grab the readers attention and convince them to read on. If your resume is weak or does not highlight what they are looking for (even if you know you have the experience), then you will not get shortlisted.

Yet when you are represented by a recruiter, quite often they will phone the organisation prior to sending them your resume and get the Hiring Manager excited at the prospect of seeing your resume and meeting you. They will highlight why you are the right person for the role, and discuss the reasons they think so (they will probably even fix your resume up a bit to highlight your missing information if needed).

Working exclusively with a Recruiter is also a fantastic way to learn about roles that are not only not advertised, but might not even be created yet. Recruiters who have excellent relationships with their clients will often know who might be looking for someone just like you in the future, and notify them that they know of the perfect Candidate now and that they should interview you before you are off the market.


If you are thinking of moving organisations but do not want your employer to know until you have landed a new position, confidentiality is key. And the best way to keep a secret is to have as few people involved as possible. By using one Recruiter exclusively not only will it ensure that less people in the industry get wind of your plan, but the Recruiter themselves can ensure your resume is only sent to a select few whom they know have a track record of keeping things mum!

So next time you are thinking of a career move within the built environment, explore the option of being an exclusive candidate through Consultive and find your next job hunt easier!

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Published on: 16/02/2018

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